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REACH Personal Style Profiles

The REACH Personal Style Profile is a detailed overview of an individual's preferred personal style. These are psychometric reports that reveal how the participant achieves goals, communicates, relates to others and leads. 


For each participant in one of our training courses we provide a free REACH Personal Style Profile.  We use the profile in our training to help make the session more impactful by tailoring the training to the participants' personal style.  The REACH Profiles are also the foundation for the team coaching track that we offer.  The profiles can also be purchased individually (outside of the training and coaching sessions).    


Price - REACH Personal Style Profile price per use: $249 + GST (when not included in the training or coaching sessions). 


Introduction: The profile is based on your responses to the REACH Survey, which takes about 15 minutes to complete.  The trainer (or coach) reviews the profile with the participant and explain how the report describes their personal style preferences.  Each profile has the following sections:  


Section 1: Profile Matrix

This section provides a summary of your personal style, as well as a

graphical placement of your style in comparison to the four profiles:


  • Counselor Profile

  • Coach Profile

  • Driver Profile

  • Advisor Profile


Your profile is determined by the interaction of specific dimensions (listed in Section 3 of this report). Each of the four profiles offers its own key strengths, and no profile is better than the others. While you may be most comfortable acting within your own profile, you can learn to "stretch" to the other profiles over time through observing and practicing the markers provided in this report.


Section 2: Profile Markers

While your response to various situations may differ based on several factors, it is generally assumed that your approach to achieving goals and relating to others remains consistent over time. By recognising the markers of each profile, you can learn to adjust your approach as needed over time (such as when interacting with team members or in taking on a new project or challenging assignment).


Section 3: Achieving and Relating Dimensions

When your profile is recognised, whether at work, home, or in the community, it can be shaped by several specific characteristics or facets – referred to as dimensions. Your five RElating dimensions and five ACHieving dimensions are shown in Section 3.


Section 4: Coaching Points

Within each profile, there may be key strengths that can enhance how you REIateACHieve. This section discusses five of these strengths, while also offering potential recommendations to enhance strength development.


Section 5: Profile Interactions

For each profile, practical recommendations are offered to improve understanding and reduce tension in everyday communication.


Print/Save a fictitious sample of a REACH Personal Style Profile


Please let us know what you’re considering for profiles!  Let’s have a discussion and see how we might help move you and your team forward.  Either give us a call at +64 21 716 443 or fill in the form on the Contact Us page.

The four quadrant REACH profile
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